Minggu, 13 Maret 2011

Closer to Allah

Closer to Allah

For every Muslim, especially preachers, are obliged to draw closer to Allah to gain His love. Mentioned in a hadith Qudsi: "My slave approaches myself the most I love is something that I have appointed him. And if my servant is always close to the nafilah (additional worship), so I love him. "(Bukhari)

In this hadith shows that the most beloved worship Allaah is carry out obligations. Liabilities consist of Fardhu Ain and Fardhu kifayah. Fardhu Ain is a binding obligation of every individual Muslim, like praying five times a day, alms, fasting, hajj, if able, dutiful to parents, giving children a living on his wife and others. While fardhu kifayah the collective obligation if it has been done by other people then gugurlah such obligations, such as organized bodies, requires some specific knowledge, da'wah, amar nahi ma'ruf unjust, Jihad and others. At a certain moment can turn into fardhu kifayah Fardhu Ain, like proselytizing, amar nahi ma'ruf unjust, and jihad.

Fardhu is the principal while nafilah is a branch. Nafilah can complement fardhu worship and to cover the shortfall. A person can not be called to do worship nafilah if leaving the fardhu. Therefore, if the faithful carrying out of Fardhu then forwarded with an additional worship, then God will love him. So it is one of those who occupy the Sunnah of worship while leaving a mandatory.

Thus, the general approach to God is done by way of worshiping God.


Ibn Taymiyyah says, worship is a word that covers all the goodness, that is all words and deeds external and the internal a blessed and loved by God. Worship is a treatise of human and great mission. Just for this is God created man and jinn (see adh-Dzariyat: 56). And just for this too God sent the prophets and apostles (see An-Nahl: 36). Messenger of Allah. asked Muadz bin Jabal, "O Muadz, do you know what right has Allah upon His servants and servants of God right?" I said, "Allah and His Messenger know best." Apostle of Allah. said, "The right of Allah upon His slaves is to worship Him and not associating partners with Him, and the right of the servant of God is not mengadzab people who do not associating partners with Allah." (Agreed upon)

But it is very unfortunate, if we see the human reality, the majority of their polytheistic or associating partners with Allah with His creatures. The major nations that occupy this earth majority polytheists to Allah, the majority of people who occupied the American continent, Europe, Australia and Asia are the ones who mensyekutukan God. About 6 billion people in the world, his only course that recognizes ¼ Muslim. And Muslims were still many who do not worship God, at least with enforcing the prayer. Seeing this reality, the ultimate liability for those who believe man is call people to believe and worship God alone.

Believers who know God in truth, know the essence of himself and knows his treatise, it will carry out worship as optimal as possible, but at the same time they are very afraid of God. As mentioned in the letter of Al-Mu'minun: 57-61, "Those who take care Being afraid of (them) their Lord, And those who believe in the verses of their Lord, And those are not associate with their Lord (anything), And those who give what they have been given, with the heart that fear, (because they know that) Surely they would return to their Lord, They hasten to get the good qualities , and they're the ones who get it soon.


In worship and approach to God, is closely related to the terms for acceptable worship. And the conditions are only two sincere and follow the sunnah of the Prophet. or the Islamic Sharia. This is the essence of the meaning of creed that we say. Messenger of Allah. said, "Verily, Allah does not accept charity unless done with sincerity and hope of His good pleasure." Says Fudhail bin Iyadh comment on the letter of Al-Mulk: 2, "Ahsanu 'amala (Charity is best) is akhlasahu (the most sincere) and ashwabahu (most true). "Say,"Verily, if a charity is done by sincere but not correct, it is not acceptable. And if the charity is true but not sincere, nor is it accepted that charities should be sincere and true. "Iyadh said," Ikhlas done because God Almighty, and correct if done according to the Sunnah.

Worship by Muslims must always refer to these two conditions: if not, then his deeds in vain even to lead to sin. The Apostle of Allah. said, "Who is making it up on these religious matters, something that previously did not exist, then rejected." (Bukhari and Muslim). There are so many traditions that flourished in the middle of the Muslims, and they do so as if the Prophet taught worship. whereas there was no foundation at all. This is where the importance of the clergy and the preachers who preached Islam to his people with great wisdom and patience, so that people avoid all kinds of shirk, khurofat, takhayyul and heresy.


In practice their religion, the clergy proposal to set a binding legal taklifi for mukallaf or Muslims that have been mature. By understanding the legal status of every deed, every Muslim is in the clarity in every business. The scholars define taklifi law or law relating to acts committed every Muslim that is the direction of the Sharia (khitab syari'i) associated with the act every Muslim who mukallaf (baligh), both are requests to carry out, the request for leave as well as a choice between implementing or meninggalakan. Requests that binds or should be called compulsory, whereas a non-binding called mandub or sunnah. While the request for leave which should be called illegitimate and should not be called makruh. The choice between implementing and meninggalakan called permissible. Therefore the law in Islamic Fiqh is divided into five, namely compulsory, mandub, haram, makruh and permissible.

Every Muslim who believe in Islamic law and understand the legal status of an act to know the priority of work or charity that should be done. So for him all things to do in kehiduan world becomes very clear and unequivocal. But when a Muslim does not understand the legal status then it would all becoming blurred and vague, which in the end he will suffer kebingunagan and chaos in his life because there is no direction and priorities of work must he do in his life in the world.

Mandatory is a Shari'a commands that must be done and is binding, if ditinggalakan it will get a penalty or sin, and if implemented will get a reward or a reward from Allah. Mandatory divided into two; mandatory Aini, namely a binding obligation upon every individual Muslim, like the five daily prayers, alms, fasting, pilgrimage. And shall kifayah, namely binding obligations of a group of Muslims.

Mandub Shari'a is the command that should be implemented and not binding, or something which if followed to get the reward and if the left does not sanction. Mandub also called Sunna, tatowwu ', mustahab, nafilah and ihsan. Mandub has several levels; Muakkadah Sunnah, that is something that is always done by the Apostle of Allah. but not mandatory, such as Witr prayer, prayer rawatib and others. Muakkadah ghairu Sunnah, that is sunna that are not always carried out by the Apostle of Allah. like charity in general. Sunnah is another example of the Apostle of Allah. on the problem of tradition that are not directly related to the Shari'a, such as eating, drinking and dressing style of the Apostle of Allah.

Haram is the Shari'ah commands to leave and have to or binding nature and if not then it will get a penalty or sin. Haram is divided into two, namely illicit and illegitimate li li dzatihi ghairihi. Li dzatihi Haram is forbidden because obviously cause direct harm, such as eating carrion, committing adultery, drinking khomr, stealing etc. While illicit li ghairihi, pengharamanannya because it does not cause direct harm, such as seeing female genitalia, the law still prohibited because lead to adultery. Haram li ghairihi caused also because it is associated with momentum or certain cases such as trading during Friday prayers prayer for him, or pray for a menstruating woman.

Dzatihi and Haram Haram Li Li Ghairihi have differences on two things, first on the transaction or contract. Haram dzatihi li li cancel the contract while ghairihi not haram. Second, illicit dzatihi li can not become permissible except for emergencies. While illicit li ghairihi become permissible simply because of urination.

Makruh Shari'a is the command to leave who do not have to or binding. If the work was abandoned, the reward would be rewarded and if conducted not get anything.

The choice of Shari'a is permissible to work or leave it. Permissible can be known from three things, ie, if done or leave no impact of sanctions, did not show nash and nash show halal haram.

However, a good Muslim who seeks to expect kindness and reward on the permissible deeds, that is with good intentions and directing a permissible means of obedience to God. So is he trying to leave some of that permissible for fear of falling on the forbidden.


Every Muslim who mukallaf not be separated from the 3 conditions. When Muslims in the state get ni'mat God, then they should be grateful. Under conditions get tests or trials, they must be patient. And in a state of sin, they must beristighfar and repent. When the third pensikapan continues performed by every Muslim in the face of his condition, then he will get a peak of happiness.

Is not every Muslim living in the overflow of God's favor? God has created it as a human, the most noble creatures. And gave the sustenance of the good. Born into the world in a state does not have anything, and now many have the facility of God. Furthermore, God gives the greatest blessing of blessings of guidance and faith. With the blessings that every Muslim can walk on the earth with a clear direction. This is the condition suffered by every Muslim, by karenannya they should sentiasa thankful to God with all gratitude. Recognizing that all blessings come from God, to express that through oral and prove it by obedience and devotion to God

The second condition that will not be separated from each Muslim is also a test. "And it will be given a trial to you, with something of fear, hunger, lack of wealth, lives and fruits. and give glad tidings to those who wait. (They are) those who, when disaster struck, they say: 'Inna wa lillaahi innaa ilaihi raaji'uun ". Those who get the blessing That Perfect and grace from their Lord and their That's the people who receive guidance. "

In this verse Allah gave glad tidings to those who show patience when facing exams. And every Muslim would actually get a test as mentioned in paragraph above.

And the third condition, the tidal escape from every Muslim is to make mistakes and commit sins. This is characteristic of human beings in general, because they are descendants of Adam and Eve who never committed a sin. But the best person who commits sin is beristighfar and repent. And among the many forms seek forgiveness, seek forgiveness, no master or Sayyidul istighfaar, every Muslim should be able to memorize and read it regularly, "Yes, God Thou art my Lord no god but You. Thou hast created me, I am your servant, and I'll try to keep the way of thy strong commitment to strength. I confess all thy ni'mat me, and I confess my sin, forgive me. Because of Essence that can not forgive but You. "

When Muslims and Muslim senatiasa in this kind of attitude, they will find happiness, not only in the world, but in the world and the hereafter. May Allah give us istiqomah. Amen.

quotes from www.dakwatuna.com


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