Jumat, 11 Maret 2011

Monday, January 19, 2009
Zionism: A secular nationalism that betrays JUDAISM

Zionism was brought into the world agenda in the late-late nineteenth century by Theodor Herzl (1860-1904), an Austrian Jewish journalist. Both Herzl and his colleagues are people who have religious beliefs that are very weak, if not nonexistent. They saw "Jewishness" as a name of the race, not a faith community. They proposed that the Jews into a separate race from European nations, which is impossible for them to live together, and that important for them to build their own homeland. They do not rely on religious thought when deciding which country it should be. Theodor Herzl, the founder of Zionism, once thought of Uganda, and was then known as the "Uganda Plan." The Zionists then decide Palestine. The reason is that Palestine was regarded as "historic homeland for the Jewish people", than any religious interest whatever he has for them.
Farmers and the Wailing Wall in front of him, who described the Zionist leader Max Nordau, Theodor Herzl, and Prof. Mandelstamm, depicts "the Zionist dream."

The Zionists make great efforts to encourage other Jews to accept the idea that religion is not appropriate. World Zionist Organization that a new major propaganda efforts in nearly every country of the Jews, and began to argue that Jews can not live peacefully with other nations and that they are "race" apart. Therefore, they must move and occupied Palestine. Most of the Jewish people ignore this appeal.

According to Israeli statesman Amnon Rubinstein: "Zionism (first) is a betrayal of their homeland (Jews) and the synagogue of Rabbi" .15 Therefore, many Jews who criticize the ideology of Zionism. Rabbi Hirsch, one of the leading religious leaders at that time said, "Zionism wanted to name the Jews as a national institution .... that was an aberration."16

French Muslim thinker Roger Garaudy's famous illustrates this in a discussion:

Jewish belief that the worst enemy far ahead is the logic of the nationalist, racist and colonialist of Zionism nationality, born of nationalism, racism, and colonialism of the 19th century in Europe. This logic, which inspired all of Western colonialism and all the wars between one another nationalism with nationalism, is a logic that killing yourself. There is no future or security for Israel and there is no security in the Middle East unless Israel leaves Zionismenya understand and return to the faith of Abraham, which is the common heritage, are religious, and the brotherhood of the three revealed religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.17

In this way, entered the world political Zionism as a racist ideology that adheres to understand that Jews should not live together with other nations. First of all, this is a mistaken notion that create severe problems for and pressure on the Jews who live in these chains. Then, for the people of Islam in the Middle East, this understanding brings Israel's policy of occupation and seizure of the territory, together with poverty, terror, bloodshed, and death.

In short, Zionism is actually a form of secular nationalism that comes from secular philosophy, not from religion. However, as in other forms of nationalism, Zionism is also trying to use religion for their own goals.

Torah Interpretation errors by Zionists

Torah is a holy book was revealed to Prophet Moses. Allah says in the Qur'an: "Verily we have sent down the Torah in it (any) guidance and light (that light up) ..." (Al-Qur'an, 5:44). The Qur'an also says that the Torah will then be tainted by the word of men in it. This is why what we have today is "Distorted Torah."

However, a closer examination reveals the existence of many religious truths contained in Scripture is ever revealed, such as belief in God, servanthood to Him, thank Him, fear God, love of God, justice, compassion, love, against cruelty and injustice, which are all foundthe the Torah and other books of the Old Testament

Apart from this, a war that happened in history and murder that happened therefore is also mentioned in the Torah. If people want to find a basis, although with a distorted reality, for cruelty, massacres, and murder, they could make the chapters in the Torah as a reference. Zionism choose how to validate the absolute terrorism, which is actually a fascist terrorism. And, this is very successful. For example, Zionism uses chapters (of the Torah) is associated with war and genocide to legitimize the massacre of the innocent Palestinians. In fact, this is a deliberate interpretation deviates. Zionism uses religion to legitimize fasismenya and his racist ideology.

The Zionists are also basing their claims on their interpretation of the verses related to the "chosen people" who never gave God to the Jews at one time. Several Qur'anic verses related to this issue:

And We gave to the Children of Israel the Scripture (Torah), power and prophetic, and We gave them provision-provision of good and We favored them above the nations (of his time). (Qur'an, 45:16)

The Qur'an describes how at one time God bless the Jewish people, and how at other times he makes them power over other nations. But these verses are not implying "chosen people" like what the Jews understood radical. These verses indicate the fact that many prophets who came from this lineage, and that Jews ruled a large area at the time. The verses are explained that with the blessing of their power position, they "take precedence over all other human beings." When they refused Jesus, this feature was over.

The Qur'an declares that the people who elected it is the prophets and those who believe that God guided to the truth. These verses say that the prophets had been chosen, ditunjuki the right path, and blessed. Here are some verses related to this issue:

And no one hates the religion of Abraham, but the people who make a fool of himself, and indeed we have memilihnya90 in the real world and in the Hereafter he is really one of those pious. (Qur'an, 2: 130)

And We favored (also) the degree of a party of their fathers, offspring and their brethren. And We have chosen them (to be prophets and messengers) and their guides us to the straight path. Such is the guidance of God, whereby He gave instructions to anyone who wants among His servants. If they ascribe Allah, fled away from their deeds that they have done. Such are those whom We gave the Book, wisdom and prophecy If the people (Quraish) that would deny it, then indeed We shall give it to a people who never would deny it. (Qur'an, 6:87-89)

They are the people who have been given ni'mat by God, namely the prophets of the descendants of Adam, and of those whom We lift with Noah, and from the descendants of Abraham and Israel, and of those whom We have given instructions and We chose. If recited the verses of Allah, Most Gracious to them, then they fall down with prostrate and weeping. (Qur'an, 19:58)

They are the people who have been given ni'mat by God, namely the prophets of the descendants of Adam, and of those whom We lift with Noah, and from the descendants of Abraham and Israel, and of those whom We have given instructions and We chose. If recited the verses of Allah, Most Gracious to them, then they fall down with prostrate and weeping. (Qur'an, 19:58)

However, radical Jews, who believe the information distorted, see the "chosen people" as characteristic of nationality so that they think every Jew is born superior and that the Children of Israel forever be considered ahead of all other human beings.

Both the largest deviation from this perspective displays this excellence presumption as "a command to commit the abuses of other nations." To this end, the Zionists to justify their behavior through hatreds passed down through generations that can be found in some cases in Talmudic Judaism. According to this view, it is common for Jews to deceive the non-Jew, to seize their property and buildings, and, when necessary even kill them, including women and children anak.18 reality shows, all these is a crime that harass true religion, because God commands us to preserve justice, fairness, and rights of oppressed people, and live in peace and love

quotes from www.tragedipalestina.com


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